Morganstone continue to be committed to supporting Cyfle’s on site hub in providing work experience to young people across our developments. We are delighted to welcome two pupils from a local Comprehensive School to the Morganstone team this week.
They will be completing work experience with our Technical team for the remainder of the summer holidays. More importantly they will see first-hand information on the career opportunities available to them when they complete their education and will capture enough information to properly inform them on the next steps to take after sixth form.
Mackenzie and James joined our team following a presentation delivered at their school a few weeks ago by the Morganstone team to talk about the Higher Apprenticeship programme. Morganstone are passionate about providing young people with information about the different ways of getting into the Construction Industry and working with Careers Wales as a valued partner.
The Morganstone Team were delighted to attend the school to present to the sixth Form pupils the successes that the Higher apprenticeship programme has delivered in our organisation.
Following the presentation a number of students approached the Morganstone team with further questions and interest in opportunities.
Mackenzie and James were two of these students and we are delighted to be able to support them in helping them to understand the construction industry and what could be on offer to them. The first step was to consider work experience opportunities so that they can see first-hand the careers that could be on offer to them once completing their education and supporting them on their first formal experience in the construction industry.
This is where Morganstone’s long standing partnership with Cyfle and more specifically the onsite hub kicked into action. Cylfe made contact with Mackenzie and James and facilitated all that was necessary for them to join us. We are excited to have them in our team and look forward to supporting them on their future career.