Surprise visit brings Easter cheer to children at the Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend

Surprise visit brings Easter cheer to children at the Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend

Having to stay in hospital over Easter could have been disappointing for the children at the Princess of Wales Hospital, Bridgend. That is until the visit from the Easter Bunny accompanied by Ospreys team members Rhys Webb, Tom Haberfield and Lloyd Ashley along with members of the Westacres team helped to put a smile on their faces. The visit surprised the young patients bringing lots of laughter to the ward as a large selection of chocolate Easter eggs, donated by the staff of Westacres and sister company, Morganstone were handed out to the delighted children.

Rhys Webb of the Ospreys said: “It’s fantastic to be able to join the team from Westacres and bring a little bit of happiness to the children on the ward. I think the Easter Bunny proved more popular with his Easter eggs, but if we helped to make their stay in hospital a little bit more enjoyable, then it was worth every minute of our time.”

Eirlys Thomas, ABMU head of nursing for neonatal and children’s services said: “We would like to thank Westacres and Morganstone for their kind donation to the children. Being in hospital can be very stressful for children and young people. The eggs and visit certainly brightens up their day and makes staying in hospital a more positive experience by having something nice to remember. Thank you on behalf of all the patients and staff.”

Tonia Morgan, Director of Westacres said: “Supporting local communities is at the heart of the company’s ethos and we have the pleasure of working closely with the Ospreys year-round, delivering to the community. Our visit to Princess of Wales Hospital at Easter is a particular favourite. Seeing the delight on the children’s faces brings as much enjoyment to our team as it does to the children and gives us the opportunity to thank the hospital staff for their continued care and dedication”.

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