Morganstone Mosque Visit

Morganstone visit Port Talbot Mosque

Morganstone visit Port Talbot Mosque

Morganstone were delighted to have been given the opportunity to work alongside Port Talbot Mosque, neighbours to our Ty’r Orsaf development of the old police station in Port Talbot. With our site being in such close proximity to the local Mosque, we understood that the site might pose a curious place for younger members of the Mosque community. Morganstone delivered a site safety talk at the Mosque, highlighting the dangers associated with entering a building site, and also launched our site safety poster competition with Ivor Goodsite.

After some tough deliberating, two winners were chosen and their posters were enlarged and affixed pride of place on our site hoarding. We understand the value of integrating with our neighbours and allowing them to feel a part of our projects as part of our Community Engagement commitment. The competition allowed for the mosque community to be directly involved with Morganstones’ Ty’r Orsaf development.

On our second visit, the winners were awarded special prizes, and every child was given the opportunity to choose themselves a present and a party bag as a thank you for taking part. Along with Port Talbot Counsellor Saifur Rahaman and Imam Ashraf, Community Engagement Manager Nia Collard was delighted to walk the children around to the front of the site, and see the delight on the children’s faces as they saw their designs up on the hoarding.
We would like to extend our thanks to the Mosque, Imam Ashraf and Counsellor Saifur Rahaman for such a warm welcome and enjoyable engagement.

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