Morganstone is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and the health and safety of other persons who may be involved in or affected by its activities.
We acknowledge that the way we design, cost, plan, deliver and maintain a project has an impact on not only our construction teams but other stakeholders.
We aim to manage health, safety and welfare through the implementation of a Business Management System (BMS) certified to ISO 45001. The BMS consists of a comprehensive set of health and safety procedures and company standards that are consistently implemented on Morganstone projects.
Underpinning the implementation of our Business Management system are a number of key fundamentals including:-
Our commitment to caring for the general public, customers and our workforce ensures that health and safety considerations and the elimination of risk drives the decisions we make and actions we take. Coupled with our successful approach to establishing ongoing partnerships with the community ensures each project is delivered safely and responsibly.